ハイスピードでスリリングな全12ステージ+α!! STG初心者から上級者まで対応したゲーム難易度!!High-speed and thrilling 12 plus something extra stages total!! Difficulty levels of the game are compatible for all shooters from beginners to experts!!
連邦統合軍第21独立遊撃隊のエースたちが極秘特殊任務「オペレーション・ヴァルシュトレイ」に挑む!! 4人が辿りつくその先には……? フルボイスで贈る本格派SFストーリー!Aces of the 21st Mobile Guerrilla Force, Federal Unified Force (FUF), will participate in "Operation Varstray": top-secret special mission!! What will lie ahead of their four selves...? You'll find a full-fledged SF story. Voices are attached to all the characters!
スコアラーを唸らせるキャラバンモード実装!! さらにおまけゲームモードやプラクティスモードを実装!Caravan mode that impresses even the high scorer is implemented!! In addition, bonus game mode and practice mode are implemented!!
This is so voluminous. Is it going to hold up? *The challenge mode is going to implement it with a public planned patch after the end of January. (Specifications may be changed without notice.)