連邦統合軍 中央軍管区 第51空間管制師団 第21独立戦闘遊撃隊Central Military District, Federal Unified Force 51st Division of Space Control 21st Mobile Guerrilla Force
18(西暦2903年6月現在)18 (as of June, 2903)
エイレーネ連邦国Federal State of Eirene
射撃、超電磁空手八段、 アイロニー、撃墜shooting, super electromagnetic karate (8th Dan), irony, shoot-down
色白で目鼻立ちのきりりとした顔つきと、ロングの艶やかな黒髪が一見して清廉な女性を連想させるが、それとは裏腹に大変気が短くて攻撃的な性格を併せ持つ。考えるより先に手の出る性分ではあるのはもちろん、気に入らないことがあれば相手が誰であろうと噛みつくその獰猛さは狂犬の異名を以て周囲へ鳴り渡るところ。もとはエイレーネ連邦宇宙軍のエースパイロットだが、このオペレーション・ヴァルシュトレイのために連邦統合軍へ配属された。幼馴染のプシュパとはとても仲がいいが、自分勝手なタチアナのことは大嫌い。ツンデレのきらいアリ。Miho's white skin, perfect eyes and nose, and shining brunet hair evoke a sophisticated lady at first glance, but contrary to appearances, she has a very short-tempered and aggressive personality. Just take it for granted that she acts without thinking, her ferocity to snap at everyone in being upset became known among with the nickname "Mad Dog." Originally, she had been an ace pilot of Federal Space Force of Eirene, but assigned to Federal Unified Force for this "Operation Varstray." She is very close to Pushpa, her friend from her childhood, but despises selfish Tatiana. She might have a hot-cold type personality.
連邦統合軍 中央軍管区 第51空間管制師団 第21独立戦闘遊撃隊Central Military District, Federal Unified Force 51st Division of Space Control 21st Mobile Guerrilla Force
22(西暦2903年6月現在)22 (as of June, 2903)
エイレーネ連邦国Federal State of Eirene
総合格闘技、車いじり、クソまじめ、家事全般mixed martial arts, fixing cars, gravity, all of housework
参加した作戦は数知れず。その全てにおいて任務を完遂し、また多大な貢献をしたとして、軍内外を問わず名声の芳しいエリート軍人。軍に尽くすことを正義とし、なにより命令を重んじ、尽忠報国の精神で身を挺しさえし兼ねないその謹厳実直ぶりは、若干二十二歳にして上層部からの信頼をゆるぎないものにしている。また、かつて教え子だった美穂には特に目をかけている。部下とはいえ、自分のそれをはるかにしのぐ美穂のパイロットセンスには一軍人として尊敬の念すら抱いているものの、そのゆえに独断専行へと走りがちな彼女の身勝手さには、今のみならず昔から手を焼かされている。There are countless operations that Thoreau participated in. She is an elite soldier, well-known within and without the Force that she completed her missions in all of those operations and made great contributions to them. She considers that cleaving to the Force is justice, values orders above all, and almost offers herself with a spirit of loyalty and patriotism; therefore, her serious and honest personality strengthens trust from the top at the age of just 22. She gives special attention to Miho, one of her former students. Now Miho is her subordinate, but as an individual soldier, Thoreau even has respect Miho for her sense of piloting technique which is far superior to Thoreau's. But Miho inclines to be tyrant; accordingly, Thoreau has trouble with Miho's selfishness since back in the day.
ヴォルガ公国宇宙軍のエースパイロットで、撃墜数は実に4500を超える。トップスピードが亜高速にも達する特別機を縦横無尽に操り、狙いをつけた敵を絶対に逃さないその戦いぶりにちなんだ“ヘイスト”の異名は、軍内外において実名以上に知れ渡っている。性格はこのうえなく冷淡で、自分のことにしか興味がないのはもちろん、周囲への礼儀や仁慈など微塵も持ち合わせていない。口調は貴族のように慇懃であるものの、九割方が皮肉と侮蔑で組み立てられる内容の不快さは上官下僚の見境なく誰をも辟易させ、気の短い者ならただちに激昂すること請け合いである。Tatiana, an ace pilot of Space Force of Principality of Volga, has shot down more than 4500 machines. She's able to pilot her machine freely, the top speed of which reaches the sub-light speed, never misses the enemies that she takes aim at; "Haste," named after the way she fights, is better-known more than her real name within and without the Force. She is emotionally very cold; just take it for granted that she is interested only in herself, she has no manner or graciousness ever. Although she talks graciously as a noblewoman does, discomfort associated with what she talks about, ninety percent of them consist of irony and indignity, sickens anyone, superiors and subordinates, irrationally; short-tempered people should be exasperated immediately.
連邦統合軍 中央軍管区 第51空間管制師団 第21独立戦闘遊撃隊Central Military District, Federal Unified Force Central Military District, Federal Unified Force 21st Mobile Guerrilla Force
19(西暦2903年6月現在)19 (as of June, 2903)
エイレーネ連邦国Federal State of Eirene
思いやり、カレー製作、歌、美穂のバックアップcompassion, making curry, songs, backing up Miho
大変優れた記憶力と空中認識能力を持ち、広い範囲に点在する多くの数の敵の存在を同時に認知できる。主に中・長距離支援においてその真価を発揮する、隊きってのバックアップ要員。特に美穂との相性がよく、前線に立つ美穂が撃ち漏らしなどに頓着することなく勇戦奮闘できるのも、プシュパの卓越した援護能力があったればこそである。いつも明るくて大変気立てがよく、誰の立場をも慮れる思慮深さを持っている。その半面でとても気が弱く、いつでも美穂の背後で安穏としているだけの自分に内心、罪悪感にも似た劣等意識を抱いている。カレーは辛いほうが好き。Pushpa has an excellent memory and recognizes many enemies dotted about in a large area at a time. She comes into her own mainly in medium-to-long-distance support. She is a leading backup person. She especially gets along with Miho; it is due to Pushpa's excellent backup ability that Miho standing at the forefront can fight bravely without any concern for her misses. She is always cheerful and very good-natured, has thoughtfulness to give careful consideration to everybody's situation. However, she is very timid and has an inferiority complex like a guilt feeling because she lives in peace behind Miho all the time. She prefers spicy curry.
エイレーネ連邦宇宙軍 ゼータ・グラフィアス軍管 第7特殊作戦航空師団 第3特務小隊Federal Space Force of Eirene Zeta Graffias Military District 7th Air Division of Special Operations 3rd secret platoon
ゼータ・グラフィアス軍管において、知らぬ者のいない鬼少佐。微に入りて細を穿つがごとく生真面目さと、まるであたりを払う謹厳実直さから、グラフィアスのソローと呼ばれることもしばしばだが、本人としてはそれがシャクに障って仕方がない。それではまるでソローもどきであるようなのが気に入らないのはもちろん、むしろ向こうがリギルケンタウリのヴァイデンフェラーと呼ばれるべきだとへそを曲げる。なぜならソローとは同窓生であり、宇宙軍士官学校本科で学籍を連ねていた頃からの因縁浅からぬライバルどうしだからだ。また、言葉に少々、なまりがある。Aurelia is known to everybody as a hardhearted Major in Zeta Graffias Military District. She is so serious to go into the minutest details, so sober and honest to have a dashing air, that she is called Graffias Thoreau sometimes; but it irritates her so much. It sounds like pseudo-Thoreau, of course, and Aurelia becomes perverse by saying Thoreau should be called Rigil Kentaurus Weidenfeller instead. They were at school together and are closely connected rivals from when their names were in the school register of the regular course at Space Force Academy. She has a little accent.
エイレーネ連邦宇宙軍 ゼータ・グラフィアス軍管 第7特殊作戦航空師団 第3特務小隊Federal Space Force of Eirene Zeta Graffias Military District 7th Air Division of Special Operations 3rd secret platoon
20(西暦2903年6月現在)20 (as of June, 2903)
スオミ共和国Republic of Suomi
掃除、買い出し、雑務、悪意のない悪口、天才cleaning, going shopping, miscellaneous duties, abuse with no offense, genius
いつでもじっとしており、一見して物腰は穏やかだが、それとは裏腹に思ったことは何でも口に出す。弱冠二十歳でありながら総司令部参謀第二部情報課の課長を務め、軍方針の骨子を成すブレインの一つとして将来を嘱望されている天才。微風にもなびく細い髪は色素が薄く、それと相まって繊細な印象である顔つきには、いつでも沈思に耽る表情が湛えられ、しかしながら常人には、ただボーっとしているだけのように見えなくもない。また、あまり社交的ではなく、いつでも一人でいるが、オレリアだけには心を開き、まるで小姑のように世話を焼く。Leontina always stays still and looks mild-mannered at first glance; but contrary to appearances, she says anything that comes into her mind. She is only 20 but serves as Director of Second Staff Section, Information Division, General Command Center, and she is a hopeful genius as one of the brains who form the essential feature of the military force posture. Her fine hair, streaming in even the light wind, is lightly-pigmented, and coupled with it, she has delicate features. She always puts meditating look on her face, but it would appear to ordinary people that she is just daydreaming. She is not so sociable and is always alone, but she opens out only to Aurelia and waits on her hand and foot as if she is Aurelia's sister-in-law.